With this article, you can learn how to create closure events for your product from the Availability tab of the Product Builder.
Learn more about the Availability tab here: Determining the availability of products.
Closure events are configured through availability events. Learn more about availability events here.
New to the Product Builder? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to the Product feature.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Inventory > Products > Products > Add Product/Add New Product/Edit Product > Availability
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin permissions to manage inventory or restricted permissions to View products and assets and Manage products and assets.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- Your account must have access to products (Inventory > Products), a key feature of our new version of Checkfront. This feature is not available for use with items (Inventory > Items) in our classic version. → Learn more about products.
Creating a new closure event
To create a new Closure Event, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Availability tab of the Product Builder (Inventory > Products).
- Find the Availability Events section.
- Select Closure from the Create New drop-down menu. This opens the Create a Product Closure modal.
- Specify a unique Event Name. For example, Fall Maintenance. Rate names have a 13-character limit.
- Select the Date Range. Start by typing into the field to open the calendar selection tool. From the calendar, select the Start Date and then the End Date of your event, e.g. 10/01/22 -> 10/31/22.
- Choose which Days of the Week apply to the event, e.g. Monday (M), Tuesday (T), Wednesday (W), Thursday (T) and Friday (F). Days that are highlighted in blue are closed. Days that are greyed out are AVAILABLE for booking.
- Save your changes. The closure event is now active and appears within your Availability Events list.
Editing a product closure may impact other products that share that closure event, for example, if you modify the dates. |
Product closures can be shared by more than one product. You can also manage product closures from the Product Closures list (Inventory > Product Closures), including determining which products the closures apply to. Learn more here... |
Learn how to delete a product closure here: |
With the next article in this series, we start by looking at managing booking rules for your product.
< Creating flex time availability events for your product | Managing booking rules for your product >