Learn how to prepare and upload voucher codes for items, including viewing uploaded vouchers and adding more vouchers.
New to discount and voucher codes? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to discounts.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Inventory > Discounts
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin permissions or restricted permissions to Manage discounts
Preparing to upload/add vouchers
Instead of supplying a single discount code, you may wish to upload a list of pre-defined voucher codes.
To prepare your file for upload:
- Open your favourite spreadsheet programs, such as Numbers or Excel.
- List your voucher codes in column A, one code per row.
- Save as a CSV or TXT file to your computer.
The voucher list should use the following file formats. Each code must be unique.
The codes should consist of letters, numbers, and dashes only. Using any other characters may prevent the discounts from being applied properly. Example: SALE-123 |
You can use a third-party solution such as randomcodegenerator.com to compile an extensive voucher code list quickly.
Alternatively, you can use Google Sheets and the Random Generator add-on to generate voucher codes. Learn more here: |
Uploading vouchers for use with items
Using items? Once you have your list of vouchers (TXT or CSV), you can upload it to the system by clicking on the Upload Vouchers button and then the Choose File button when it appears.
After selecting the file from your computer, it is now attached to the upload field, as shown in the screenshot above.
Configure the rest of the settings described in our article: Creating new discounts (classic).
Finally, select Create to save the uploaded vouchers file and create the discount.
When uploading a list of vouchers for items, be sure to leave the Discount Code field blank. |
Viewing vouchers once uploaded
Once uploaded, you can see a list of your available vouchers by visiting the Promotions report (Reports > Other Reports). Learn more here: |
Adding additional vouchers
You can come back to add more voucher codes at a later date. Simply follow the same steps to upload a new file.
< Creating a new discount (classic) | Using Groupon vouchers for use with items (classic) >