Learn more about VersaPay, including setting up VersaPay in Checkfront and using sandbox mode.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise
Current: Growth (Subscription) and Managed plans only.
→ Learn more about our current plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Manage > Ecommerce Setup > Payment
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin permissions are required to manage Payment Providers.
About VersaPay
Back to topVersaPay is a leading cloud-based invoice presentation and payment provider helping B2B companies make customers happy and get paid faster. VersaPay provides the technology and support services to enable businesses to automate accounts receivable and process electronic payments.
To integrate Checkfront with the VersaPay Payment Provider, you first need to create a VersaPay account. You can do that here if you haven't already: https://www.versapay.com
Setting up VersaPay in Checkfront
Back to topOnce you have a VersaPay account configured, you can proceed with the setup in Checkfront.
To enable VersaPay, navigate to Manage > Ecommerce Setup, making sure the Payment tab is selected.
Here you see a list of available payment modules. Locate the VersaPay tile from the list.
You find it by clicking on the links in the left side menu labelled Available to [your country] or All. You can also search for the VersaPay tile directly in the provided search box.
Hover over the tile, which turns grey, and click.
This opens the VersaPay activation window, as pictured above. Enter your Username and Password in the fields provided, then click the blue Activate button.
VersaPay is now successfully integrated with your Checkfront account and is listed under your section of Active Providers.
Using Sandbox Mode
Back to topWe highly recommend you run an end-to-end test on your Payment Provider to ensure it communicates properly with Checkfront before taking live payments.
Check the box labelled Enable Sandbox Mode to operate in a test environment.
Create a few test bookings through the front end and make sure the payments are made to the Checkfront Booking Manager. Once satisfied, you can begin receiving real payments from real customers.
Don't forget to uncheck this box once you're satisfied and ready to take real, live payments from your Customers.