Learn how to create a new booking in the iOS mobile app, including adding multiple items.
New to the iOS app? You can read the first article in this series for an introduction to the iOS app.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Available for download
Current: Available for download
→ Learn more about our current plans or how to change your plan.
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin or Staff user accounts only. Partner account logins are not supported.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
- Important: Only the QR Code Scanner feature of the app, used to check-in Guests via QR Barcodes on invoices, is supported with products (Inventory > Products) at this time.
Creating a new booking
Back to topOne of the biggest and most popular features of the Checkfront Mobile Booking App is the ability to create new bookings while on the go.
Again, you can see another icon at the bottom of the app home screen. This time, we're looking at the one in the middle, the plus sign.
Tapping on this opens the Create Booking screen. Fill out your Customer details in the fields provided (1).
Looking at the top of the screen, you can see a link labelled Add Item (2). Tap on this to begin adding items to the booking.
Another screen opens up, allowing you to select an item. Choose the category first and then an item within. That brings you to the details screen (above right).
From here, you may select the start and end date for the booking and the required quantity. A promo code may also be added if applicable.
Finally, click the Add to Booking button (3). This brings you back to the original Create Booking screen.
You now see the item and relevant pricing with booking details. If you want to add another item, tap the Add Item link again.
Alternatively, if you'd like to remove an item from the booking, simply hold your finger on the item and slide to the left (above right). This reveals a Delete button. Tap on that to remove the item from the booking.
Once you're happy with the items you have added, fill out the booking form underneath if you haven't already done so and tap Create Booking at the bottom.
Your booking is now complete, and you can go ahead and add a payment if you like.
Any notifications configured within the desktop site are automatically sent to the relevant recipients.
< Using the QR barcode scanner in the iOS app | Configuring settings in the iOS app >