Learn how to create templates, including naming, using the editor, and adding images.
New to Waivers & Documents? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to Waivers & Documents.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
Current: Growth (Online Booking Fee), Growth (Subscription), Managed
→ Learn more about our current plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Bookings > Waivers & Documents > Templates > Create/Edit Template
Admin permissions or restricted permissions for Waivers & Documents.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Checkfront How To: How to Get Started with Waivers (Video)
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For high-level step-by-step instructions on getting started with Waivers & Documents, please see the following article: |
Creating templates
Back to topTemplates are the individual documents you can create and assign to your inventory item/ product.
Once a template has been assigned to an item/product, Customers are asked to individually fill out and digitally sign the document before the booking can be completed.
To begin the creation of a new document template, click the Create Template button. A Create Template modal opens.
Naming your template
Back to topInput your Title into the field provided, then click Next to continue. Document titles include Liability Waiver, Medical Release, or Insurance Document.
Click Next to navigate to the document editor.
Using the document editor
Back to topBuild or edit the elements of your document template...
This is the document's name as it appears to your Guests and within the Staff-side of the application. You can edit the title by typing directly into the Title field.
Document Editor
The document editor window is where you input the main body of your document, including custom fields such as dates, email addresses, signature areas, etc. We cover this in more detail in subsequent articles in this series.
Adding images via the Document Editor
Those familiar with HTML can edit the document's source code by selecting the <> (HTML) button within the document editor toolbar.
Enhancements can be made to the document, including the ability to add images that are stored elsewhere using HTML image tags.
Text formatting The formatting is sometimes carried over when pasting existing text into the text editor. There are two ways to remedy this if the behaviour is not wanted:
< Activating Waivers & Documents | Creating Waivers & Documents templates (field settings) >