Learn what booking information is available within the Daily Manifest, including default booking and Guest information.
New to the Daily Manifest? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to the Daily Manifest.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Booking > Daily Manifest
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin or restricted permissions to View all Reports (or Daily Manifest) and Export Data.
- Admin or restricted permissions to View all Reports (or Revenue) to access the Revenue Report from Insights.
- The Guest Form (Manage > Integrations > Guest Management) integration is required to collect and include Guest information within your Daily Manifest.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Default booking information
Back to topActivities are organized in rows by items/products booked for the selected day, with the next activities listed first. Depending on your business and configuration, items/products can have one or more associated bookings.
The time frame of the item/product is listed first, followed by the name of the item/product in bold.
A sub-heading includes a roll-up of information on the associated bookings, including the number of bookings for the time frame, the number of Guests, parameter tallies (e.g. 1 Adult, 2 Seniors), and the total paid.
For each booking, the following information is presented by default.
Value | Description | Additional Details |
Booking Code |
This is the unique identifier associated with the booking. |
Click on this code to open the Booking Invoice in a separate tab. |
Booker |
This is the person who submitted the booking. |
They may or may not be participating in the booking, depending on your configuration and whether the booking includes additional Guests or not. They may be the principal contact for the booking. |
Start Date/Time |
This is the start date and time for the booking.
If the item/product has Timeslots, each slot is displayed as a separate entry. Only the start time is displayed if an event is an All Day event. |
Guests |
This is the number of Guests with completed Guest information versus the number associated with the booking. |
Payment |
The Payment column displays the total amount you've received for the booking. |
Status |
This is the status of the booking, e.g. Paid vs Cancelled. You can update the booking status directly from the Daily Manifest. You are asked if you want to send any associated status notifications with the change. |
Cancelled bookings are included in the Daily Manifest to help you better understand the dynamics of the day and plan accordingly. |
Check In/Out |
Staff can Check-in and then Check-out the booking.
Once the booking is checked out, the Check In/Out status displays the option to Reset Check-in. This is helpful if you happen to check out a booking in error. |
The Daily Manifest now shows ALL Booking Status Types, not just those that lock inventory. This is to give you an accurate representation of the day ahead! |
Default Guest Information
Back to topGuest Information can be captured and associated with the booking if the Guest Form (Manage > Integrations > Guest Management) integration is enabled.
The Guest List displays if you have Guests associated with the booking; otherwise, the message "There are no guests on this booking." displays.
Expand the booking record to view the Guest List for the selected booking. You can also Expand All or Collapse All records to quickly and easily switch between modes.
The Guest List includes the following default information for each Guest, although the Guest List reflects the fields configured within your Guest Form (Manage > Layout > Guest Form).
Value | Description | Additional Details |
Check In Status
Communicates whether the Guest is Checked In or Out, including the date and time associated with the status update.
Please take a look at the following two examples. You can learn more here about the Check In/Out process. |
- In |
The date and time the Guest was checked In. |
- Out |
The date and time the Guest was checked Out. |
First Name |
The first name of the Guest. |
Example: John |
Last Name |
The last name of the Guest. |
Example: Smith |
The email address of the Guest. |
Example: jsmith@example.com |
Documents |
Any documents (or waivers) associated with the Guest record are displayed here, represented by a document icon. A filled-in icon represents a completed waiver. An outlined icon represents an incomplete waiver.
Example: Complete and incomplete waivers You can learn more about waivers here. |
In the following article in this series, we look at how to customize the columns displayed within your Daily Manifest.
< Navigating and filtering the Daily Manifest | Editing columns within the Daily Manifest >