Learn how to map your product guest types to upsell guest types to facilitate your inventory allocation.
For example, your product is distributed by age group (e.g. tour), but you don't make that distinction with your upsells (e.g. picnic lunch). You need to help the system understand how to handle allocation in this case.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Inventory > Products > Products > Add Product/Add New Product/Edit Product > Advanced
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin permissions to manage inventory or restricted permissions to View products and assets and Manage products and assets.
- Your parent and upsell products must both use guest types (Inventory > Products > Products > Add Product/Add New Product/Edit Product > Availability) to determine to who the product is available.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- Your account must have access to products (Inventory > Products), a key feature of our new version of Checkfront. This feature is not available for use with items (Inventory > Items) in our classic version. → Learn more about products.
Mapping upsell guest types to parent product guest types is just one step in building your products, specifically for those who use guest types to allocate availability. Learn more about adding guest types and configuring upsells within our series of articles on configuring products using the Product Builder. |
If you have configured the product and the upsell with guest types, the Guest Type Mapping setting is displayed when adding an upsell.
Since products may have different guest type configurations, the system cannot automatically map the guest types. If you want to present the upsell to Customers, you need to help us understand how the guest types of the two products relate.
You can only map one upsell guest type to a product guest type. |
Depending on how you have configured your guest types, you have the following options for mapping your guest types:
Mapping one product guest type to one upsell guest type (1:1)
The parent product and upsell might be configured with one guest type (e.g., Guest). Mapping these two guest types is simply pairing one with the other. This setup is a one-to-one configuration where you have configured one parent guest type to one upsell guest type.
If your upsell product has multiple guest types but only caters to one type of Guest, you need to choose one upsell guest type to map to. For instance, if you're offering a wine bottle as an upsell for a Guest tour, it needs to be mapped to Guests rather than Employees.
Mapping multiple product guest types to one upsell guest type (many:1)
You can configure your parent product with multiple guest types (e.g., Adult, Youth, Senior, Child, etc.), where the upsell only requires one generic guest type for inventory tracking purposes (e.g., Guest). This setup is a many-to-one configuration, mapping all parent guest types to one upsell guest type.
Mapping multiple product guest types to multiple upsell guest types (many: many)
When the parent product and the upsell product are both configured with multiple guest types, then the appropriate product guest types need to be mapped to their matching upsell guest types. This setup is considered a many-to-many configuration.
If you don't map one or more of your guest types, we try to match guest types automatically, e.g., Senior --> Senior. However, if we can't match the guest types, the unmapped and unmatched guest types won't be used. |
Mapping product guest types to upsell guest types
You can follow these steps to map your guest types.
- Go to your Product List (Inventory > Product > Products).
- Find the parent product to which you need to add an upsell.
- Click on the name of the product to open the Product Builder.
- Navigate to the Advanced tab.
- Choose to either Edit Upsell or + Add Upsell.
- Once an upsell is selected, scroll down to the Guest Type Mapping section.
- You can select the appropriate parent guest type to pair with each child/upsell guest type listed.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Reminder Mapping upsell guest types to parent product guest types is just one step in building your products, specifically for those who use guest types to allocate availability. Learn more about adding guest types and configuring upsells within our series of articles on configuring products using the Product Builder. |
Customer Booking Experience
With the guest types mapped, the Customer can purchase the upsell and the primary offering. How the system allocates your inventory reflects how you configured your products and upsells.
The above screenshot is an example of a parent product (tour), priced by age group, with a finite number of seats on each bus. The upsell (lunch basket) is offered as an add-on at the same price for each Guest, regardless of age group.