In this article, we provide tips on how to search the Checkfront Knowledge Base.
Searching the Knowledge Base
Back to topDo you want to learn more about a specific topic in our Knowledge Base? If so, check out these tips for using search operators to help get the most out of our Knowledge Base!
Finding multiple words
Back to topUse double quotes (") around each word to find content that contains all those words.
For example, "products" "assets" "rates" and "closures" retrieves content that contains all four words in any order. Make sure you put spaces between the search words; otherwise, the search handles the text as one string.
Get results that match if there is a stemmed version of a word (e.g. products). For example, you do not get results where content contains only the words rate and asset.
If you use single quotes (') around a word, the single quotes are ignored. If you search for 'product' 'asset' 'rate' and 'closure', you see results for all content containing the words product or asset or rate or closure (exactly as if you search without the single quotes).
Finding a phrase
Back to topUse double quotes (") around a phrase to find content containing all the words.
For example, "product closure" retrieves all content that contains the words product and closure in that order. You also get matching results if there is a stemmed version of the word (e.g. products). For example, you do not get results where content contains only the word rate.
If you use single quotes (') around a phrase, the single quotes are ignored.
Excluding results containing certain words
Back to topUse the minus operator (-) before the search term to find content that does not include that word or phrase.
For example, product rate -discount returns content containing the words product and rate but excludes those that contain the word discount from the result set.
Combining operators for advanced searching
Back to topYou can combine the operators above to find a specific set of results.
For example, "product rate" -discount shows results for content that contains both the words product and rate but does not contain the word discount.