Hidden items accessible only by link
I'd love to have the capability to create hidden items that are only accessible by a provided link. For instance, early sign-ups for an event sent to current league members as opposed to the event being open to everybody.
This is certainly a great suggestion and could be a feature that would benefit many types of businesses.
For now, there is a workaround - you can copy the public version of the item and make it into an 'early access' item. Alias these two together so that they share the same availability.
In the process, add the 'early access' item into its own category.
Next, make sure your booking page settings include categories as 'tabs'. This is done in Manage > Layout > Booking Page.
Finally, apply some custom CSS to hide this new category from your general booking page.
Example CSS:#cf-tab7 {
display: none;
}After that, you can produce the item-specific link as outlined here.
I realize it is cumbersome and not 100% reliable but thought it'd be worth mentioning. If anyone else would benefit from such a feature please continue to add to this thread as well as your specific scenario.
Appreciate it! -
Hi Freya Pearse,
Using CSS and/or aliasing (as described above), or perhaps password protecting webpages directly through your website is still going to be the closest solution for your needs.
Thanks for checking in!
I think this would be a great addition also!
My scenario is that we are putting on free kayaking lessons for a local charity. We want them to be able to book these online and not have random other people able to book.
These lessons will run just for their charity, so can not simply give them a 100% off code to our normal kayak lessons
Up vote.
We use a manual PDF booking form as a work around. Guests fill out the form and email it back to us. Then our staff book them into the program manually. The item has a "staff only" rule so the general public can see it but cant book it though the website.
It feels like a really crude work around but does the trick.
A unique code that we can issue to allow only specific guests to book would be great.
I know there are ways to manually generate URLs that direct to a specific instance (date) of a particular item but its far too complicated for our staff to reliably use.
Or maybe an inverse to the "banned user" feature? A way to approve only a specific user?
Would really love this feature added.
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