How can I change deposit requirement based on dates?


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Isadora Martins

    Hello Steel Wheel,

    Isadora here from Checkfront support. Thank you for getting in touch, and I'm here to assist. 😁

    The choices you make within Manage > E-commerce > Settings determine the default settings for all products.

    When you create a new product and navigate to its pricing tab, you'll observe that the "Use System Settings" option is pre-selected for its "Deposit" settings. This enforces the configurations mentioned previously.

    However, if you desire to apply a different deposit for a specific product, you can easily modify that product's deposit settings directly on its "Pricing" tab.

    To ensure customers are reminded to pay the balance, you can establish a scheduled notification for the Deposit status at Manage > Notifications.

    In the notification email, you can incorporate the invoice and/or a payment link using email variables, such as {%EMBED_INVOICE} and/or {$BOOKING_PAYMENT_URL}.

    For more comprehensive details on notifications, please refer to: Checkfront Notifications Documentation.

    I hope this proves helpful! Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,

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