Item event rule set not overriding default
Normally, we only allow one item per booking. We're having an event on one day that has a bundle of five items, so I created a rule set for the event to either not have this restriction or set it to 5000 items per booking(to see if either would work). This rule set is not overriding the default rule set and the bundle is not bookable. How can this be fixed?
According to the article about rules; the default rule set should override custom rule sets. Possibly you can reverse what is the custom rule and what is the default. However, the reason I am here is this did not work for me. Here is my situation:
I do 4 tours per day. I normally want a 24 hour booking lead time. However if my first tour for the day is booked I only need a 3 hour lead time to do my second tour as I'll already be set up. I created a custom rule set "Normal" which requires a 24 hour cutoff. I use "Normal" in Item Events to create my schedule. I set the "Default" rule set to a 3 hour cutoff. It seems I should be able to create a new Item Event that creates next-day availability for my second tour using the "Default" rule set. The default rule set should override the normal rule set and allow a late booking. It doesn't. Please help me understand why this is not working and if there is something I can do. I really don't want to be changing my "Normal" rule set from 24hr to 3hr and back to 24hr every time this comes up.
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