Booking Invoice
- Introduction to the booking invoice
- Working with booking statuses from booking invoices
- Adding notes to booking invoices
- Editing/changing bookings from booking invoices
- Adding items/products to booking invoices
- Updating POS transactions from booking invoices
- Adding payments to booking invoices
- Refunding payments from booking invoices
- Cancelling or voiding bookings via booking invoices
- Viewing transaction details from booking invoices
- Viewing booking logs from booking invoices
- Managing Guests from booking invoices
- Managing documents from booking invoices
- Checking-in or checking-out bookings from the booking invoice
- Printing booking invoices to PDF
- Emailing booking invoices to Customers
- Viewing Customer details from booking invoices
- Bookmarking booking invoices
- Attributing Partners to bookings from bookings invoices
- Copying bookings from booking invoices