Learn about the settings available within the Additional Options section, including how to hide an amount on a PDF, allow customized delivery dates, determine gift certificate visibility, and specify the sort order of the gift certificates on the booking page.
New to Gift Certificates? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to the Gift Certificates feature.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex.
Current: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our current plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Inventory > Gift Certificates > Create Gift Certificate (button) > Details
What more do I need to use this feature?
- The Gift Certificates feature is activated within your account (Manage > Integrations).
Admin or restricted to Manage Gift Certificates and Manage Gift Certificate Templates.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Configuring description settings
Back to topThe following configuration settings are available within the Additional Options section.
Accessing Additional Options ↓
Back to topBelow the Gift Certificate dates section is a link labelled Additional Options.
Clicking on the link or the drop-down triangle opens up a few more customization options for you, as detailed below.
Hiding the amount on the PDF
Back to topWith this setting, you control whether or not the gift certificate amount shows in the PDF emailed to the recipient. When enabled, the price for the gift certificate does not show to the recipient.
Similar options are provided when issuing a Staff-side Gift Certificate or editing an existing gift certificate.
This setting does not affect the email variables in the notification, such as {$GIFTCERT_TOTAL} or {$GIFTCERT_BALANCE}. These must be removed from the email template if you don't want the information conveyed via the variables. Learn more about customizing email notifications here: |
Allowing customized delivery dates
Back to topRather than basing the gift certificate validity on the date of purchase, you can instead choose to work off a delivery date.
Selecting Yes for this option turns on the Delivery Date feature. Then, when a Customer purchases a gift certificate through the system, they can choose a delivery date. If today is September 1st and a family member's birthday is September 14th, then the Customer can purchase today but choose to have the gift certificate email delivered on the 14th.
You then can make the Gift Certificate Expiry Date several Days after Delivery.
Specifying gift certificate visibility
Back to topHere you have the option to select the Visibility for your gift certificate.
Choose Everyone to make your gift certificate visible for booking on your website.
If you'd like the gift certificate to only be visible to your Staff Members and in the Staff-only pages of Checkfront, then select Staff Only.
Determining gift certificate sort order
Back to topThe Sort Order determines where your gift certificate is displayed on your inventory and booking pages.
Entering a higher number here moves the template closer to the top of the list.
In the following article of this series, we look at more options for translating, copying, and archiving gift certificates.
< Configuring description settings (custom amount to expiry date) | Working with thumbnail images for gift certificates >