Learn how to use the Booking Volume report, including understanding the booking volume chart, filtering by date, remembering filters, understanding report columns, and exporting report results.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
Current: Growth (Online Booking Fee), Growth (Subscription), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Reports > Booking Volume
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin or restricted permissions to View all Reports (or Booking Traffic) and Export Data.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Booking Volume Report Overview
Back to topThe Booking Volume report is a snapshot of monthly bookings, quantity sold, and monetary totals for the past 12 months (default). The amounts shown are a summary of the booking costs and do not include transaction data (monies received).
✘ The Booking Volume report excludes Cancellations, Void bookings, and Pre-Bookings. ✘ The Booking Volume report does not include Imported Bookings. ✓ The Booking Volume report does factor in Booking Discounts applied. |
The Booking Volume report might not align with the Booking Sales report as the Booking Sales report includes Imported bookings and excludes Discounts. |
Learn more about your reporting options here: |
Understanding the booking volume chart
Back to topBy default, the chart at the top of the page displays. This chart illustrates booking volume over time through bar and line graphs. The increments of time are determined by the date period selected.
The total booking value is displayed as green bars. These are the total value of bookings made that month.
The dark blue line graph reflects the total number of bookings made that month.
The light blue line graph reflects the total quantity of inventory booked that month.
Filtering by date
Back to topBy default, the report shows you the Last 12 months, which can easily be modified by clicking on the date drop-down just above the Date column and selecting another preset period.
The date filter preset options provided include This month, Last month, Last 3 months, Last 6 Months, and All bookings.
You can report on a select date or date range by choosing the Custom option. This opens a date selector from which you can select a specific date or date range.
Remembering filters
Back to topYou can configure your account to retain your filter selections within most reports and features so you don't have to select your preferred filters repeatedly.
Learn more about your profile filter settings here: |
Understanding report columns
Back to topThe visible columns for this report are as follows. You can click on the column header to sort the table data ascending or descending.
Reports here are based on individual days rather than a monthly total.
Months for which reports are available in the date range selected. Clicking the column title switches between ascending/descending views.
The total number of bookings made through the Customer-facing booking page per month. The total number of bookings made for that month. The total of all records listed is displayed in the report's footer.
Total quantity (QTY) booked for all items or products per month. Total inventory booked as part of those bookings in the previous column. This might be the total number of tour spots sold for that month. The Total of all records listed is displayed in the report's footer.
The total value of all bookings per month. Revenue generated from the bookings that month. The total of all records listed is displayed in the report's footer.
Sorting the report
Click the header of any column to adjust the report's sort order based on that column.
Exporting booking volume reports
Back to topYou can export your Booking Volume report using the link in the top right corner.
From the Export modal, you can enter a name for the report and choose the output format.
Save As
Allows you to specify the name of the Export file. By default, the file name is the name of the report. You can edit the file name if needed by focusing on the Save as field and entering a different name.
Export report to MS Excel (XLSX), CSV (Comma-separated Value), PDF (Portable Document Format) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language).
Save To
The report can be saved to your Computer, Email, or Google Drive.
Learn more about exporting to Google Drive here: |
Choose to export Visible columns or All columns (if there are columns you have chosen to hide in the online report view). In the case of this report, all columns are always visible, so either option gives the same result!
Max Rows
Limit the maximum number of rows to Export (Max Rows) or Export All Rows.
Use ISO Dates allows you to choose the format of dates within the Export.
- When selected, you see the format YYYY-DD-MM, for example, 2020-06-09.
- When not selected, you see the format configured with the Date Format setting (Manage > Setup > Locale).
Hiding/showing the chart
Back to topYou can click the Hide Chart icon in the top right corner to remove the Booking Volume chart from the report. You can then show the chart again by selecting the Show Chart icon.