Learn how to use the Commission Report, including customizing filters, remembering filters, customizing columns, changing the status, exporting report results, and viewing the payout list.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
Current: Growth (Online Booking Fee), Growth (Subscription), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Reports > Other Reports > Commission
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin or restricted permissions to View all reports (or Commission) and Export Data.
- Enabled Partner Accounts.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Commission Report Overview
Back to topThe Commission report in Checkfront provides an overview of commissions OWED and PAID to the Partners configured in your account, including a chart of trends over time.
You can filter the report by date source, date, account, and commission status.
In addition, you can customize the data columns displayed, hide or show charts, and export your search results as needed.
Exclusions & Inclusions✘ The Commission report excludes commissions from Cancelled bookings. ✓ The Commission report includes Pre-bookings until they are automatically (30 days) or manually voided. |
The Commission report only becomes visible as an option in the reports menu once a Partner account is created. You can learn more about creating a Partner account here: |
Learn more about your reporting options here: |
Filtering reports
Back to topThe report includes the following filter options.
Filtering by date source
Back to topYou can filter the data shown by the date the booking was Created, the date the booking Starts, or the date the booking Ends.
Filtering by date
Back to topYou can filter the report by preset date periods. In the example below, we have chosen to display the date for bookings Created within the Last 12 months.
By default, the report shows you the Last 12 months, which can easily be modified by clicking the Date drop-down above the Date column and selecting another preset period.
The Date filter preset options provided include This month, Last month, Last 3 months, Last 6 Months, and All bookings.
You can report on a select date or date range by choosing the Custom option. This opens a date selector from which you can select a date or date range.
Filtering by account
Back to topTo generate a report for a specific Partner or selection of Partners, click on the Account drop-down menu.
Select the account(s) you need to include in the report.
You can use the Search box to quickly find a Partner if you have a long list to get through!
Filtering by commission status
Back to topBy default, the report displays both Owed and Paid commissions.
You can filter for commissions owed (Only Owed) or commissions paid (Only Paid).
Filtering by All commissions includes commissions that have already been settled.
Remembering filters
Back to topYou can configure your account to retain your filter selections within most reports and features, so you don't have to select your preferred filters repeatedly.
Learn more about your Profile Filter settings here: |
Understanding report columns
Back to topThe following columns are displayed within the report by default.
Value | Description | Additional Details |
Start Date |
This is the first date of the booking. | |
Date Booked |
This is the date the booking was created. |
Booking Code |
This is the invoice number of the booking. |
Item/Product Total | This is the total value of the booking. | |
Account | This is the Partner account to which the booking is attributed. | |
Commission Amount |
This is the total commission amount based on the item/product total. |
Commission amounts can vary from item/product to item/product. |
Commission Status | This is the current status of the commission payout. |
If money hasn't been paid out, then it says Owed. If the commission has already been paid out, then it says Paid. |
Commission Owed | This represents the commission to be paid. |
If the value is positive, such as $25, this is the commission Owed to the Partner. If the value is negative, such as -$25, then this is the Commission owed to you by the Partner. |
Booking Status | This is the current status of the booking in question. |
Partner Group | This is the name of the associated Partner Group. |
If the Partner to which the booking is attributed belongs to a partner group, then that is printed here. |
Customer Name | The name of the Customer who made the booking. |
Items or Products | The item(s) or product(s) within the booking. |
Payment Code |
This is the third-party voucher code used for the booking.
This is for bookings made through third-party booking agents. |
Sorting the report
Click the top of any column to adjust the report's sort order based on that column.
Managing report columns
Back to topOver on the right-hand side of the screen, you see a button labelled Edit columns. Click this option to open the Columns modal and configure which columns are visible within the Commission Report.
From the Columns modal, deselect any columns you don't need to include in your report.
Reorder columns by clicking on the pattern of dots to the left of each one and moving it into a new position.
Changing commission statuses
Back to topYou can change the commission status of a booking by first selecting one or more bookings.
The report filters are replaced with the Change Commission Status options - Paid or Owed. Select the appropriate option, and the record is automatically updated. You can easily revert the change using the same options.
Commission payments must be handled outside of Checkfront, as there is not currently a feature for paying these directly through the system. |
Exporting partner commission reports
Back to topClick on the Export icon at the top right-hand side of the chart to access the Export modal.
From the export modal, you can enter a name for the report and choose the output format.
Save As
Allows you to specify the name of the export file. By default, the file name is the name of the report. You can edit the file name by focusing on the Save as field and entering a different name.
Export report to MS Excel (XLSX), CSV (Comma-separated Value), PDF (Portable Document Format) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language).
Save To
The report can be saved to your Computer, Email, or Google Drive.
Emailed exports are sent as links to the files securely hosted in Google Cloud Storage. |
Learn more about exporting to Google Drive here: |
Choose to export Visible columns or All columns (if there are columns you have chosen to hide in the online report view.
Max Rows
Limit the maximum number of rows to export (Max Rows) or All Rows.
Use ISO Dates allows you to choose the format of dates within the Export.
- When selected, you see the format YYYY-DD-MM, for example, 2020-06-09.
- When not selected, you see the format configured with the Date Format setting (Manage > Setup > Locale).
Viewing payout lists
Back to topThe Payout List is accessible from the top-right-hand corner of the Commission Report.
The Payout List shows a breakdown of all listed items or products in the database available for commission payouts.
Any bonus commissions are calculated in addition to the Base Commission calculation of the item/product sold.
Hiding/showing charts
Back to topClick the Hide chart button to remove the chart at the report's top. Click on the Show Chart icon to make the chart visible again.