Learn how to use the Transactions report, including filtering reports, remembering filters, understanding report columns, editing columns, and exporting report results.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
Current: Growth (Online Booking Fee), Growth (Subscription), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Reports > Transactions
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin or restricted permissions to View all Reports (or Transactions) and Export Data.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Transactions Report Overview
Back to topThe Transaction report lets you view a list and the total amount of your payment transactions for a select period based on the payment date, regardless of when the booking was processed.
You can filter the report by date or date range, payment type, event, Staff member, category or keyword search.
In addition, you can customize the data columns displayed and export your search results.
Learn more about your reporting options here: |
This report does not provide a breakdown of fees or taxes. For this information, please consult the Booking Sales and Booking Index reports. |
Filtering reports
Back to top
Filtering by date
Back to topChoose a Date range for your report here. Options include Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last 7 Days, Last Month, and Last 30 Days (default). A Custom option also enables you to choose your start and end dates for the report.
Filtering by payment type
Back to topYou can filter your transactions report by payment type, such as POS, Visa, Mastercard, or Gift Certificate. You can filter by one or more payment types at a time.
Filtering by event
Back to topYou can filter your transactions based on one or more payment events. This includes Paid, Refund, and Chargeback transactions.
Filtering by Staff
Back to topYou can filter your transactions based on the Staff member who processed them. Select one or more Staff members as needed.
Do you have a long list of Staff members? Type their name in the Search field at the top of the Staff filter to quickly limit the list of options to their name.
Filtering by Category
Back to topFilter your transactions based on the inventory category by selecting one or more categories from the menu list.
Enter the category name in the Search box at the top of the filter to find the category you need fast if you have a long list of categories maintained!
Filtering by search
Back to topEnter a Search term in this field to find a particular transaction(s). For example, entering TGDP-220720 would bring up the matching booking.
Clearing filters
Back to topClear your search and filtering by selecting the X icon within each filter or at the end of the filter row.
Remembering filters
Back to topYou can configure your account to retain your filter selections within most reports and features so you don't have to select your preferred filters repeatedly.
Learn more about your Profile Filter settings here: |
Understanding report columns
Back to topThe following are the default columns for the Transactions report.
Value | Description | Additional Info |
Transaction ID | This is the unique identifier for the booking. | Clicking on the Transaction ID opens the related booking invoice. |
Date | The date and time the booking was processed. | |
Event |
This is the latest event related to the booking - Paid, Refund, or Chargeback.
Amount | This is the total amount of the booking. | |
Payment Type | This is the payment type associated with the booking, such as Visa, POS—Cash, or Gift Certificate. | |
User Account |
This is the name of the Staff member or Partner that processed the booking. |
The Customer may have also processed the booking through the website or a mobile device. |
Payment Customer |
This is the primary Customer or Booker associated with the booking and payment. |
Payment Provider |
The payment provider through which the payment was processed. |
This includes third-party channels such as GetYourGuide and Viator. If a POS payment is applied, the payment provider is listed as None. |
Provider Transaction |
The payment provider's unique identifier for the transaction processed.
Booking Date |
This is the date of the booking. |
Info |
Click on details to view transaction details where applicable. |
Item/Product Names |
These are the names of the items/products associated with the booking. |
Provider Fee |
This is the provider's payment fee, e.g. Stripe's processing fee. |
Payment Mask |
Where applicable, this is the last four digits of the credit card number. |
Name on Card |
This is the name of the payment card, e.g. John Smith. |
Partner Account |
This is the Partner account name associated with the Partner that processed the booking. |
Customer ID |
This is the Customer account ID associated with the Booker. |
Payment Method |
This is an additional payment method used for the transaction when Stripe or Checkfront Payments is enabled. |
For example, a payment method includes Flex Pay (formerly Uplift). |
Booking Code |
This is the Booking ID associated with the booking invoice. |
Sorting the report
Click the top of any column to adjust the report's sort order based on that column.
Editing columns
Back to topOver on the right side of the screen, you see an icon labelled Edit columns. This option provides access to the Columns modal.
From the Columns modal, deselect any columns you don't need to include in your report.
Reorder columns by clicking on the pattern of dots to the left of each one and moving it into a new position.
Exporting transaction reports
Back to topYou can Export your transactions report using the link in the top right corner of the page.
From the Export modal, you can enter a name for the report and choose the output format.
Save As
Allows you to specify the name of the Export file. By default, the file name is the name of the report. You can edit the file name if needed by focusing on the Save as field and entering the desired name.
Export report to MS Excel (XLSX), CSV (Comma-separated Value), PDF (Portable Document Format) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language).
Save To
The report can be saved to your Computer, Email, or Google Drive.
Learn more about exporting to Google Drive here: |
Choose to Export Visible columns or All columns (if there are columns you have chosen to hide in the online report view.
Max Rows
Limit the maximum number of rows to Export (Max Rows) or Export All Rows.
Use ISO Dates allows you to choose the format of dates within the Export.
- When selected, you see the format YYYY-DD-MM, for example, 2020-06-09.
- When not selected, you see the format configured with the Date Format setting (Manage > Setup > Locale).