Learn how to set up your Viator integration in Checkfront, including accessing setup, signing up for Viator, and providing key information and configuration preferences.
New to Viator? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to the Viator integration.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
What industry does this feature apply to?
X Accommodations | ✓ Activities | ✓ Tours | X Rentals | ✓ Adventures | ✓ Escape Rooms | Learn More
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Manage > Integrations > Channels > Viator
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin permissions to manage integrations.
- A Viator account (or sign up during integration setup!)
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- Your account must have access to items (Inventory > Items), a key feature of our classic version of Checkfront.
- This integration is not yet supported with products (Inventory > Products), a key feature of our newest version of Checkfront.
→ Express your interest in this feature with products | Learn more about products
Don't see Viator listed within your account under Integrations? This means you are on our newest version of Checkfront that does not yet support Viator. Please contact Customer Support for additional assistance regarding your options. |
Setting up the Viator Integration in Checkfront
To activate the integration in Checkfront, navigate to the Integrations page (Manage > Integrations > Channels) in your main Checkfront menu and click the Viator listing. You can also search for the integration by name.
Next, you can select the option that matches your needs:
- Click the I need a Viator account button to sign up for Viator through their website. You can return to Checkfront after creating your Viator account to complete the setup in Checkfront.
- Click the I have a Viator account button to provide information to help connect your Viator account to Checkfront.
Signing up for Viator
Back to topDo you need a Viator account? Click the Sign up for Viator button to be taken to the Viator website to get started.
You can return to Checkfront after creating your Viator account to complete the setup in Checkfront.
Providing key information and configuration preferences
Back to topNext, you must provide key information and configuration preferences to help map your Viator account to Checkfront.
There are two sections of Viator fields. The first section collects details on your business and defines some of Viator's basic settings.
Check out the next article in this series for information on configuring the Item Parameter section settings: Mapping Checkfront items to Viator inventory.
Supplier Name
Back to topThis is the name of your business as entered into your Viator account. Viator uses this name to match the Checkfront integration with your Viator account. Ensure that whatever you enter here matches your supplier name at Viator.
Supplier Contact Name
Back to topThis is the person at your business whom Viator should contact after or during the configuration process should they have any questions.
Location Name
Back to topThis is the name of the city where your tours or activities operate. You may enter only one city per integration.
Location UN/LOCODE
Back to topThis is the UN/LOCODE for the city. You can search for the code at the following website: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/location.html.
Search by country and locate the suffix code for the city. For example, Vancouver, Canada = CA VAN
Max Hold Time
Back to topThis is the maximum amount of time Viator sets aside inventory for booking. If a Customer books an item in Viator, the system holds the inventory aside. If the Customer commits to the booking within this hold time, the inventory is updated to reflect that the item is no longer available. However, if the maximum hold time is reached before a booking is completed, the system releases the hold, and the item is made available for booking by somebody else. This is a mechanism to prevent double bookings.
Status for New Bookings
Back to topThis is the status assigned to new Checkfront bookings created in Viator. You can opt for the same status you use with your regular Checkfront bookings, or you can create a custom status to quickly tell (in the Checkfront interface) which bookings have come in from Viator. For example, you can search for all bookings with the statusViator.
Back to topThis key is sent to Viator to connect to this Checkfront account. This value is read-only.
Viator Merchant Details
Back to topWhen a booking is made through Viator, a reservation is also made in Checkfront, and the invoice generated contains information brought in from Viator, known in our system as Viator Merchant Details, for example:
Viator Booking Reference: 700877611 Location: Flagstaff Pick up Point: Grand Pacific Amount Paid: 428.28 |
By default, these details display within the Name field, with options to display the information within the Address, City, Zip Code, or Note fields.
We highly recommend you create a new field specifically for Viator! We recommend creating a custom, staff-only field to display this information. You can create a new Checkfront booking form field within Booking Details (Manage > Layout > Booking Form). See the instructions below. |
Viator Customer Details
Back to topWhen a booking is made through Viator, a reservation is also made in Checkfront, and the invoice generated contains Customer information brought in from Viator, labelled in our system as Viator Customer Details, for example:
Contact: Jane Smith 123-456-7890 |
By default, these details display within the Name field, with options to display the information within the Address, City, Zip Code, or Note fields.
We highly recommend you create a new field specifically for Viator! As with the View Merchant Details field, we recommend creating a custom, staff-only field to display this information. You can create a new Checkfront booking form field within Booking Details (Manage > Layout > Booking Form). See the instructions below. |
Creating custom fields for use with Viator
Back to topWe highly recommend creating new fields for capturing Viator information within invoices! Here's why... If you have chosen to display booking notes from Checkfront on your Customer invoices, then the details that come in from Viator are also shown. Generally, you want your Customers to avoid seeing this information. Therefore, a Viator-specific, staff-only field is recommended. You can create a new Checkfront booking form field within Booking Details (Manage > Layout > Booking Form).
You must select Show on form and Show on Invoice for Staff when creating the Viator system-specific booking form field (Manage > Layout > Booking Form > Add new field > Options).
Using these settings, you can hide the Viator details from your Customers but show them on the company-side invoice views.
Learn more about Booking Form fields here: |
Discrepancies between Checkfront Invoice and Viator
Back to topDue to API restrictions, Checkfront cannot access a breakdown of Viator service fees and cannot display them anywhere in your Checkfront account. Viator only provides the booking net amount, the total amount payable to the supplier for one booking.
Notice that invoices in Checkfront for bookings created in Viator have a zeroed-out balance and item cost. This is to avoid confusion about the amounts paid in Viator and those posted in Checkfront. As a result, you should use Viator for your reporting purposes when it comes to those bookings.
With the next article in this series, we look at mapping your Checkfront inventory to Viator inventory.
< Introduction to the Viator Integration with Checkfront | Mapping Checkfront inventory to Viator inventory >