Learn how to set up commissions for Partner accounts, including base commissions via inventory pricing, commissions via commissions table, bonus, and group commissions.
New to Partner accounts? Please read the first article in this series: Introduction to Partner Accounts.
Looking for information on Staff or Customer accounts? Check out the following articles:
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho*, Pro*, Plus*, Enterprise*, Flex*
Current: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
*Limits on the number of Partner accounts apply.
→ Learn more about our current plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Manage > Commissions
What more do I need to use this feature?
- Admin permissions to manage User Accounts.
- Our Android and iOS mobile apps do not support Partner Accounts. Partners must use their desktop or mobile browsers to access accounts.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Setting up base commissions via inventory pricing
Back to topAfter creating your Partner accounts, it’s time to start configuring commissions. Each item/product in your inventory can have its commission rate. The setting can be found in the Pricing section of the Item Builder for items (Inventory > Items > Add or edit Item) or the Pricing section of the Product Builder for products (Inventory > Products > Add or edit Product).
To apply commissions in conjunction with your Partner accounts, you must configure the commission amounts in each of your inventory items/products.
Configuring commissions with products
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For more on setting up Commissions with products, you can visit: |
Configuring commissions with items
Back to topFrom the Pricing section, if using items, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Additional Options link for items. This reveals the Commission options for the item.
Activate the commission for the item by clicking on the off switch. Enter your commission rate and choose either % percentage or a flat fee rate from the drop-down menu. Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save your settings.
Setup commissions via commission table
Back to topThe Base Commission of an item can also be set and updated via the Commission Table (Manage > Commissions).
Each item in your inventory is listed in a column with the Base Commission at the top. The Base Commission be shown here if you have already set the Base Commission in the Item's Pricing tab. You can edit the Base Commission by inputting the required value in the field provided. You can select whether this is a percentage (%) or flat fee ($) from the drop-down provided.
Setting up bonus commissions
Back to topAs a Business Owner, your relationships with third-party vendors probably vary on different levels from one to the next. As such, there may be times when you wish to offer greater commissions to select partners. Checkfront has a Bonus Commission feature which can be accessed through the Commission table.
Enter the Bonus Commission into the fields provided for each Partner, as highlighted in the table above. After clicking on the field you wish to edit, a drop-down menu appears, enabling you to select either a percentage (%) or flat fee ($)for the Commission type.
Bonus Commissions are earned in addition to the Base Commission set for each item/product.
For example, if you offer a 10% Bonus Commission on an item/product with a Base Commission of 15%, the total payable amount would be 25% of the Partner’s booking.
The Base Commission is applied to all items/products in your inventory. Once you have set a Bonus Commission, it is added to the Base Commission and updated in the Commission table.
The Commission on the left is the Base Commission, with the Bonus Commission listed on the right. The combined total is then displayed just above this. If you like, you may combine two different Commission types, e.g. one can be a percentage (%), the other a flat fee ($).
Group commissions
Back to topIf you have multiple preferred vendors taking bookings on your behalf, you can also create Group Commissions. This allows you to adjust the Bonus Commission rate for a larger group rather than making changes on a per-account basis.
To create a new Commission Group, click the Create New Group button in the top right corner.
In the pop-up window, provide a name for the new Commission Group. Then, using the drop-down menu below, select the Partners you wish to include in the group by checking the box next to the relevant names.
Once you've done that, click the blue Create Group button.
The Commission Group now appears in the left-most column, as highlighted below.
Expand the Commission Group by clicking on the black arrow to the left of the group name. You’ll notice that the rate field for the individual Partners can no longer be edited. The group now controls this. Any subsequent changes to the group rate automatically update all Partners assigned to that group.
A Partner can be removed from a group or moved to a different group, at any time, by clicking on the pencil icon next to their name.
From the pop-up window, a new group can be selected from the drop-down menu, or the Partner can be removed from the current group by clicking the red Remove From Group button.
The Commission rates are displayed as Restricted in the Commission table if you have restricted the Partner from receiving Commissions on certain items/products via the account permissions feature. |
< Managing Partner account permission settings | Using the Booking Widget and Hosted Booking Page for Partners >