Learn how to add a Guest when a Booker fills out the Guest Form, including selecting inventory, filling out Guest information, filling out documents, and adding other Guests.
New to the Guest Form? Read the first article in this series for an introduction to the Guest Form feature.
Which plans include this feature?
Legacy: Soho, Pro, Plus, Enterprise, Flex
New: Growth (Subscription), Growth (Online Booking Fee), Managed
→ Learn more about our new plans or how to change your plan.
Where can I find this feature using the top menu?
Manage > Integrations > Guest Management > Guest Form
What more do I need to use this feature?
Admin permissions to manage Integrations.
Which Checkfront version supports this feature - classic, new or both?
- This feature is available in both our classic version using items (Inventory > Items) and our newest version using products (Inventory > Products). → Learn more about products
Adding guest details to a booking
Back to topTo begin adding Guests to a booking, the Booker must click on the green Add Guest link below the Item List.
Over on the right side, you now see a section for entering Guest Information. This section is split into three sections - Selecting items, Guest Information, and Documents.
Step 1 - Selecting Products/Items
The Booker must select the inventory to apply to the Guest in the Select Products/Items section.
In some cases, there may be add-on items, or product upsells attached to parent products/items, such as a paddle or helmet, but these don't need to be associated with the Guest if it's not necessary to keep track of who has what.
Once the Booker selects a product/item, they must choose the item parameter or product guest type applicable to the Guest. In the case of this example, that's either an adult or a child.
Click Continue to proceed to the Guest Information section.
Step 2- Filling Out Guest Information
Next, the Booker fills out the fields for Guest Information.
The Guest Form includes the three system fields (First Name, Last Name, and E-mail address) and any additional fields you created earlier.
In a situation where the Booker doesn't know the details required for the Guest they are adding, they can email that Guest a link to the form so they can fill it out themselves.
A link labelled send a link can be found just above the First Name field in the Guest Information section.
Clicking on that link adjusts the view to display an Email field. The Booker then enters the Guest's email address in this field and clicks Continue.
Please review the Sharing a Link to the Guest Form article for more details on what happens when the Guest receives the email from Checkfront.
Before choosing to Continue, if the Booker changes their mind, they can click the return to the form link to revert to their previous view.
However, after clicking Continue to send the Guest an email, the Booker can no longer edit the Guest fields for that particular Guest. Instead, the Booker sees a message stating that the Guest Information and optional waiver Documents fields are Waiting for guest to complete information.
The Guest is also added to the main Guest List in Pending status.
Once the Guest fills out the information, the Guest List populates with the information provided.
Step 3 - Filling Out Documents
Finally, if any documents or waivers are attached to the product(s)/items(s) booked, they appear in the Documents section.
If there is a document to fill out, the Booker must click the Fill out Document button.
Once the Booker has completed the document/waiver, they return to the Guest List for the booking.
In the above example, Jane has been added to the booking as a Guest, and the status has been updated to Complete.
In this case, Jane is the Booker and has filled out the Guest information for themself. If the Guest is someone other than the Booker, and the attached document requires a signature, then the Booker can complete step 2 on the Guest's behalf and email them a link to the document, which they can sign themselves.
To send a link to the document, the Booker clicks on the link labelled send a link in the Documents section, as shown above. This link is private, and only the intended Guest can access it.
After confirming the Guest's email address, the Booker then selects Continue. This button triggers an email to the Guest from which they can fill out/sign the document/waiver.
The Guest list updates to show a Pending status for the Guest with a notification that we are waiting for guest to complete information.
Please read the Sharing a Link to the Guest Form article for more details on what happens when the Guest receives the email from Checkfront.
Adding Another Guest
To add the next Guest, the Booker must click the + Add Guest button and repeat the process.
Notice in the screenshot above that once an item parameter or product guest type has been allocated, the option turns grey and cannot be selected again.
In this example, the booking is for two adults and two children. Since two adults have been added to the booking, Guests can only add two children from this point.
After the Guests fill all the slots, the Empty Slots label at the top is replaced by All Slots Full.
Learn how to manage Guests from the booking invoice: |
In the next article, we look at sharing links to the guest form.
< Taking a look at guest forms within the booking flow | Sharing links to the guest form >